Perhaps not everyone knows that... the Storage Valuation

3 January 2011 by gsperico


by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

The Storage Valuation, a must for manufacturing and commercial companies.

The management and control of individual storages is of fundamental importance for many companies.

Surely everyone knows that ... can manage an unlimited number of storages and in real time the quantity available in each.

But perhaps not everyone knows that ... is able to manage the valorization of a single storage. It is possible to know at any time  the quantity in storage and also the value of each.
Once the Storage Valuation is enabled, you continue to operate exactly as before: the user registers documents and inventory entries as they have always done, but the company is able to verify the quantities and values of the different storages, as well as of the entire stock.

To know in detail the potential of the Storage Valuation, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a MLU/MSU subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING – Inventory Valuation and Closing.

Perhaps not everyone knows that ... The Best Supplier

7 October 2010 by gsperico


by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

The selection of the best supplier is always a priority

The selection of the best Supplier has always been a priority for any company, it is even more so today, at a particular time of crisis where you must have the best prices and best quality products to remain on the market.

Even for this has the answer!

Perhaps not everyone knows that ... in the Purchases module of there is a simple functionality that allows in just a few steps to calculate the delivery time of our Suppliers and automatically store it in the Item Supplier Master.

Perhaps not everyone knows that ... is able to automatically determine any discrepancies between the price entered in the Order and agreed with the Supplier and the price that the Supplier then applied in the Purchase Invoice.

Perhaps not everyone knows that ... just by entering the purchase invoice from its module, automatically stores the conditions applied in the Item Supplier, such as the price charged, discounts and the Term of Payment.

The creation of simple custom reports allow the company to compare all this information, giving the right  weight to the condition that they consider most interesting and to select the so-called Best Supplier.

To know in detail the potential of the new functionalities, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING - Purchase Documents. 

Perhaps not everyone knows... The Quality Inspection

23 June 2010 by gsperico


by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

A growing number of companies are experiencing the need of making sure that their products comply with the requirements expressly set forth by the customer


A growing number of companies are experiencing the need of making sure that their products comply with the requirements expressly set forth by the customer, hence needing to exercise (on both the purchased goods and produced goods) all the verification checks, inspections, testing and measurements necessary in order to identify the products that fail in fulfilling the requested specifications.

Probably everyone knows that includes, amongst all of its modules, also the Quality Inspection. Perhaps, however, not everyone knows that the registration of the testing documents (besides indicating whether the product is considered conforming, to be scraped or returned) also allows entering the parameters for the various analyses and relating results.
Furthermore, in presence of the Quality Inspection module, technical notes can be associated to each item. The Technical Notes can be defined on a merchandising categorisation level, and contain different types of values. Depending on the value type, they can have different characteristics: they can be erasable, hold a minimum and maximum value, a default value, etc.

In order to uncover all the details regarding the powerful functionalities of the Quality Inspection module and the Technical Notes, do not hesitate in addressing your reseller referral as well as consulting the Microarea Help & Information Center, always updated with all the product functionalities and, in addition, if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING - Quality Inspection. 

Perhaps not everybody knows that... The Mail Connector

13 January 2010 by gsperico


by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

Why waste time and money to print documents that must then be put into an envelope and sent to our customers or suppliers? Use the Mail Connector.

Everyone knows that... thanks to the Mail Connector several types of documents can be sent directly to our customers / suppliers, by running some particular procedures, such as the Deferred Invoicing.

But perhaps not everybody knows that... in the last releases of Mago the Mail Connector management was definitely expanded. Now you can send mail directly from the document: simply clicking on the envelope in the toolbar the email window is opened where we can change the addressee and the text of the email. It is now possible to select the email option in the document posting window: even in this case you can open the window to change your email addressee and the email text.

And then if we need to send an email to one of our customers or suppliers, running the Document Graphic Navigation and right clicking on the client we can choose the option for sending email, directly from and with the customer email address already filled in.

To know in detail the potential of the new functionalities, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING - Update Logistics Area 2.13.

Perhaps not everyone knows that... Inverse Documents management

10 November 2009 by gsperico


by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

Your company has multiple storages that need to exchange goods with each other? is the ERP for you! simplifies the sharing of data and procedures between the different locations.

Everyone knows that can manage an unlimited number of storages and locations, so you can keep under control the goods available in each unit.

But perhaps not everyone knows that... is able to further simplify the document management, enabling the automatic generation of inverse documents.
If one of your branches orders to you some goods registering a supplier order, you can automatically receive this document in electronic format and import it as an order from customer. So that it is immediately ready to be fulfilled into a Picking List, Delivery Note or Accompanying Invoice.
The same is possible if one of the braches sends you the goods: the accompanying document can also be transferred in electronic format and be imported into as a bill of lading.
This type of management is not only very important for companies with multiple storages and branches, but can also be a great way for simplifying logistics management in retail chains that order the goods to a central warehouse and where there is the same information system.

To know in detail how the Inverse Documents work, please contact your dealer reference.

Perhaps not everyone knows that ... The Custom Quantities

7 October 2009 by gsperico

by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

Another point more to the flexibility!

Inventory management and quantity available in stock, purchased, sold, etc. are the most important information for a company. is able to save, either for the general inventory than for the single storages several values. For statistical reasons, there may be the need to manage for particular types of items, other balances, related to particular operations, such as one would like to see the total quantities that are out for trial.

Everyone knows that Mago has a complete and efficient management of "traditional" balances for the entire stock and single storages, and that is able to carry forward the balances from one year to the next one by simply executing the Inventory Closing.

But perhaps not everyone knows that ... every company that uses has the possibility to freely define according to their own needs 5 additional custom quantities, which may be associated with the description their prefer. To Custom Quantities we can associate in the inventory reason the necessary action, if for example they want to take into account the items out for trial it is possible to sum the quantity and value when posting the delivery note for trial and then subtract when the same trial is returned.

To know in detail the potential of the Custom Quantities function, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING – Update Logistics Area 2.13, Custom Quantities.

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