by Patrizia Benelli

ERP Financial Project & Product Manager

Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today!

The end of fiscal year adjustment entries collection has always been an effort-demanding task, requiring a high degree of punctuality, especially when referring to the recording of the accruals and deferrals.  Leaving the above mentioned until the end of the fiscal year could severely postpone the editing and release of the final balance. It is therefore highly convenient to identify immediately those registrations that are not entirely competence of the fiscal year, and register them appropriately in order to ease the final work. 

Everybody knows that allows entering the reference period of expenses and revenues directly into the accounting books, storing the amounts relating to each fiscal year, in order to generate automatically the adjustment entries of the accruals and deferrals along with the relating starting transfers into the new fiscal year.

Not everybody knows that...

  • for the recurring accounting registrations regarding certain accounts , it is possible to automatically determine the reference period;
  • the detection of the accrual or deferral can be carried out on an account different from the standard account;
  • it is indeed possible to manage accruals/deferrals referring two or more fiscal years.

If you wish to receive additional information, please do not hesitate to contact your reseller referral.  Furthermore, if you complied with our M.L.U service, you can follow the course NON EXISTING - Accruals and Deferrals.