Tips and Tricks

by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

The Returns from Customers - when what unsold is returned...

Your company uses to deliver and / or invoice goods to customers and then issue credit notes in front of more documents relating to the Return of the goods?  is the product for you!

Maybe everyone knows that .. you can import directly into Credit Notes Returns by customers / suppliers.
But perhaps not everyone knows that through a simple and intuitive process, very similar to the deferred invoicing, you can automatically generate credit notes from multiple return documents issued in a given period of time.

This management can be very useful to those who, for example, is dedicated to providing food products to mass retailers, in fact in these cases expired foods are generally returned to the manufacturer issuing a credit note in front of more documents received in that period.

The flexibility and always the prerogative of, allows you to issue invoices for goods delivered reversed by possible returns or to invoice the goods and after issue credit notes for returns.

The system is able to keep track of the various documents and allows us to see, always and in real time, the customer's situation.

Want to know more? You can always ask your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber you can consult the Microarea Help & Information Center in the pages Return from Customer and Return from Customer fulfillment.