by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

The Storage Valuation, a must for manufacturing and commercial companies.

The management and control of individual storages is of fundamental importance for many companies.

Surely everyone knows that ... can manage an unlimited number of storages and in real time the quantity available in each.

But perhaps not everyone knows that ... is able to manage the valorization of a single storage. It is possible to know at any time  the quantity in storage and also the value of each.
Once the Storage Valuation is enabled, you continue to operate exactly as before: the user registers documents and inventory entries as they have always done, but the company is able to verify the quantities and values of the different storages, as well as of the entire stock.

To know in detail the potential of the Storage Valuation, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a MLU/MSU subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING – Inventory Valuation and Closing.