by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

Why waste time and money to print documents that must then be put into an envelope and sent to our customers or suppliers? Use the Mail Connector.

Everyone knows that... thanks to the Mail Connector several types of documents can be sent directly to our customers / suppliers, by running some particular procedures, such as the Deferred Invoicing.

But perhaps not everybody knows that... in the last releases of Mago the Mail Connector management was definitely expanded. Now you can send mail directly from the document: simply clicking on the envelope in the toolbar the email window is opened where we can change the addressee and the text of the email. It is now possible to select the email option in the document posting window: even in this case you can open the window to change your email addressee and the email text.

And then if we need to send an email to one of our customers or suppliers, running the Document Graphic Navigation and right clicking on the client we can choose the option for sending email, directly from and with the customer email address already filled in.

To know in detail the potential of the new functionalities, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING - Update Logistics Area 2.13.