Perhaps not everyone knows that…there is a story of the Lot managed in WMS

11 December 2012 by aprzestrzelska

Tips and Tricks

by Agnieszka Przestrzelska - ERP Team Logistics

Once upon a time, there was the Lot managed in Inventory. One day he understood to be grown-up and asked programmers to be implemented in WMS as well. And so it happened!

The story of our Lot begins with the Goods Receipt, where its "parents" (users who issue Goods Receipt document) give it a name (code) and associate it with goods. Its name may be entirely new or may be equal to supplier lot number.  This name (lot number) will be recorded and will be connected to the stock of goods: if anyone wants to move it, its name will always be maintained.

In WMS is possible to manage the items indicating the lot, without the lot, or in mixed situations: i.e. it is possible to have items that initially have no associated lots and that only at a later time are entered with different lot numbers. In the latter case, during unloading, our Lot will have to "let go first" all stocks of the item that have not been " lucky"  in that they have not acquired the name (code) of the Lots family: when there will be no one else, then it can be unloaded as well.

Therefore, if you intend to use the goods of our Lot will always be necessary to indicate its name. During unloading (picking from Preshipping) if you do not indicate its name on the document, the program will propose the close "relatives"  (the other lots of the item) according to program settings (picking strategies ). If you want to know "relatives" that have been consumed, just use the appropriate button and the program will show all the lots taken.

If you want to know more about Lots management in please do not hesitate to ask our Partner and, in addition, if you are a M.L.U. subscriber you can refer to the Microarea Help & Information Center and various pages related to the topic.


Perhaps not everyone knows... The WMS Mobile is for all!

5 December 2011 by gsperico

Tips and Tricks

by Giuseppina Sperico
ERP Logistics Team Manager

The WMS Mobile: a module for all companies that want to cut down inventory costs!

Do you want to cut down your inventory costs? Eliminate losses due to theft or deterioration, reduce returns from customer for shipment of wrong items, lower storage management costs and accelerate your delivery time? Do you want to increase the reliability of your company?

Everyone knows that in it is now available the WMS Mobile module that, in the easiest and fastest way given by the use of WiFi handhelds, allows you to know the exact point where the goods are located, to accelerate delivery, pick also grouping together multiple orders and certify that you are getting the right item.

But perhaps not everyone knows... that the use of WiFi handhelds can also be activated in companies in which the definition of the mapping of the warehouse is not a priority. The system makes it possible to define a single location to collect the material and certify only the item  and eventually the lot picked and not necessarily the location where the goods are stored. Proceed with the operation of packing and pack label printing directly from the handheld  is also a breeze.

Want to know more? You can always ask your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber you can follow the course NON EXISTING PAGEWMS Mobile Functionalities.

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