by Giuseppina Sperico –  ERP Logistics Team Manager

The Inventory Adjustment procedure allows to update the inventory quantities recorded with the quantities actually present in the stores. It is a functionality very useful to have always up-to-date our inventory and satisfy all demands.

It is probably common knowledge that offers an Inventory Adjustment procedure which updates the inventory quantities recorded with the quantities actually present in the stores.
But maybe not everybody knows that, in order to meet the needs of more complex companies managing several stock items, the same procedure can be applied, establishing the quantities at a certain date, examining individual stores and saving the process.

The lines extracted are numbered progressively so as to allow each user to isolate a certain number of items and continue working on them even over several days.
Printouts are also available in order to verify the inventory situation before recording an adjustment, during the operation itself or at completion of the operation, so as to ensure control of the previous and current quantities and values.

See the video-demo

For details on the functioning of this useful tool, contact your usual dealer and, in addition, if you are a MLU/MSU subscriber, go to our site (reserved area) and follow the course  NON EXISTING – Inventory Adjustment Entries