SMAU Business Padua, third leg of the Italian IT road show, took place the 18th and 19th of April. 2M Servizi Srl from Mirano, Microarea Gold Partner, attended the event with the experience and knowledge that belong to every Microarea Partner.   

by Fabrizio Perricone - Product Marketing Manager

An even greater success than last year: SMAU Padua witnessed a 10% increase in attendance, fixing the overall number off visitors at 3500. Crowded workshops. The stand, held by 2M Servizi, allowed the visitors to see, with their own eyes, customized demos of the software made in Microarea: obviously!

During the two days exhibition, the Microarea Gold Partner team handed out a large amount of information, carried out several demos of and got in touch with enterprises that, also if being very different from one another, were able to find the perfect solution to manage effectively all company processes, this thanks to a tool that is highly flexible and customizable:

The full support of Microarea towards the investment made by the Partner, besides an economical contribution included within the MCP Partnership program, was represented by the presence of the Italian North-East Microarea sales manager Nicola Miglioranzi, who stood side by side with 2M Servizi throughout both days.

Next stop? SMAU Bologna (6th and 7th of June) and the direct presence of Microarea and its Partners who will be ready, as always, to provide utmost politeness and their experience to all visitors. Stay tuned in the Microarea Chronicles in order to receive the free entrance ticket for SMAU Bologna!