Perhaps not everyone knows that... BOM costing procedure has something more with Mago.Net

13 December 2013 by atrapani


ERP Manufacturing Team

The importance of Product cost determination  in order to define the best sale price and the cost effectiveness calculation



Having a complete and well-structured vision of all the aspects that characterize the manufacturing estimate of a certain Bill of Materials, it will allow you to quickly and intuitively identify what are the factors that have the gratest impact on costs and understand the possible decision-making activities to make the necessary corrections.

Perhaps not everyone knows that... facilitates us in this activity with the BOM Costing Procedure!

In the Update Cost tab window it's now available a new functionality that allows you to specify all costs related to processing activities and the individual materials as well as to correct the values.    

This last point has ensured greater flexibility at the level of estimate product costing ensuring you get the desired cost in the light of any changes and update directly the BOM's standard value in the item master data.  

Packaging management and Manufacturing process

6 July 2010 by dsalvatore

MRP e depositi 

by ERP Manufacturing Team

The cowl does not make the monk… almost always.
When packaging becomes part of the manufacturing process...

Not only in the food companies, but now in many other commercial area an attractive packaging often have the effect to increase sales of a given item.

Here then explained the growing importance in the manufacturing process of that element now considered as a main component of the finished product itself and then to be managed starting by the definition of the structure of the Bill Of Material.

In-house or outsourced produced, expensive or economical, complex and rich in detail or clean and simple, modular or fixed ...
…All kinds of packaging are manageable with and its great number of features associated to the bill of material module...

....every day more!
and perhaps not everyone knows that.... can also manage quantity rounded to integer in reference to a desired components step by step during the manufacturing process, starting by the picking phases since to the manufacturing order confirmation,  while ensuring the proportion with the number of items to be produced.

The  “Quantity rounding”  feature allows, for example, the picking and use (consumption) of a single container with a fixed capacity of 100 pieces not depending by the number of items step by step produced and since to its filling.

To know in detail the potential of the functionality, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, you can visit our on-line Microarea Help & Information Center and Reference Guide or follow the course NON EXISTING - MO Confirmation (Advanced Manufacturing)

Come back to the original ... the comparison between Bill of Material and Manufacturing Order

2 March 2010 by dsalvatore

MRP e depositi 

by ERP Manufacturing Team

Sometimes the first response is what counts!

It's trivial to say that little and continuous changes to the Bill of Materials, in most of existing production realities of a company, represent frequently recurring activities.

In reply to these needs does not stop in the guarantee of complete freedom of action in the design and modification of them, but ensures modularity and scalability of solutions along the entire development of production process and beyond.

If it is easy to think that it is possible to modify in any moment the single desired component of a single desired Manufacturing Order in terms of presence or quantity of it, it could be not simple to remember the original structure of the originating Bill of Material.

Well, as usual, no problem! Simply saying that.....

Perhaps not everyone knows that....

The BOM/MO Comparison procedure of manufacturing module can highlight all differences between components contained in the given Manufacturing Order and the linked Bill of Material.

Through it you can easily define the set of initial analysis, highlight the desired differences, and automatically realign each Manufacturing Order to the original Bill of Material.

To know in detail the potential of the functionality, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING - Subcontracting (Advanced Manufacturing).

Perhaps not everyone knows that ... E.C.O. Management

4 December 2009 by dsalvatore

MRP e depositi 

by ERP Manufacturing Team

Also the smallest change requires the greatest attention...
Everything under control with!


Everyone knows that the management and maintenance over time of BOMs requires great attention and that, for this reason, provides the functionality of the Engineering Change Orders that allows us to historicize and consequently maintain an infinite sequence of proposed changes to apply to them.

But how often, after numerous changes, it happens to hear questions like: "Do you remember how our product worked fine a year ago?" Or "How were we able to produce, only three months ago, at a cost so advantageous?"

Well, maybe not everyone knows that....To get the desired answers ... you can ask to!

If you have enabled the E.C.O. management, just indicating a date in the usual procedures:
• Graphical Navigation
• Explosion
• Costing
the application will be able to automatically recover a snapshot of any desired Bill of Materials in any desired moment of time of the past containing only the changes of all confirmed E.C.O. until the date you specify.

To know in detail the potential of the functionality, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course NON EXISTING Enterprise - ECO

Bill of Material creation

13 October 2009 by dsalvatore

MRP e depositi 

by ERP Manufacturing Team

The efficient and fast management of the Bill of Materials, is one of the deepest and critical activity for companies that operate with a wide variety and range of items to produce.

While the correct and precise definition of a Bill of Materials lays the foundation for a subsequent well structured and managed production, the waste of time to devote to the insertion of components and routing steps becomes progressively higher in proportion to the increasing of complexity and repetitiveness of them.

Time used in these activities, sometimes repetitive and costly, is then irretrievably subtracted to planning and management of production processes.

Everyone knows that Mago is able to ensure, through a proper functionality of copy, to automatically generate a bill of material starting by the selection and subsequent modification of an existing one. This simple option allows to a non-expert operator to insert a new bill of material in few simple steps starting from the strictly necessary changes to apply to it.

But perhaps not everyone knows that... even during the insertion of a new article, representing a finished or semi-finished product, enabling the proper option in the Bill of Materials parameters, automatically generates the corresponding Bill of Materials basic structure.

The close relationship between function of logistics, inventory and production is now emphasized by a new direct interface that allows the automatic control of all the items to be produced since their creation and optimizes the timing of the separate insertion inheriting  the basic data by inventory master.
Simply by adding the appropriate components and routing steps, it is possible to complete the desired Bill of Materials and ensure a great synergy between logistics and manufacturing modules including the efficiency of a single operator qualified to manage cross-sector industry activities.

To know more in detail the feature, please contact your dealer reference and in addition if you are a M.L.U. subscriber, go to our site and follow the course  NON EXISTING – Bill of Materials (Basic Manufacturing) .

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