Tips and Tricks

by Agnieszka Przestrzelska (Team ERP Logistics) provides for the possiblity to develop an interface able to adapt to your needs.   

Do you want to customize relationships with your customers? Do you want to improve communication with your suppliers?

In a modern company, business is no longer represented only by the customer and the supplier, but by the surrounding environment. With you can reserve a special treatment to each individual customer and supplier. 

Every customer is seeking offers and personalized communications, and all this involves major organizational effort and customer segmentation. allows you to associate a report form, with each document type, with a single customer or customer category. The customization of documents increases dramatically the effectiveness of communication. 

When printing a document or sending an e-mail, verifies if there is present a particular report form for the customer/supplier and, in its absence, for its customer category. If you have not made any association, during the printing is used the default form. can even more! All the printing and sending e-mail procedures follow this hierarchy. Even the print preview will display the report associated with the customer/supplier or their category, unless you choose to display a specific form.

If you want to know more about Report Forms in please do not hesitate to ask our Partner and, in addition, if you are a M.L.U. subscriber you can refer to the Microarea Help & Information Center and various pages related to the topic.